This is probably the most obvious and maybe the reason that many people refuse to plan. Some people like the sense of spontaneity that comes with not having anything on the calendar for the weekend, in hopes that something "amazing" will happen. Wouldn't it be much better to just plan something amazing rather than hoping it will occur by happenstance. When you don't plan and don't have a strategic vision for your life, you can end of moving in circles without any true sense of accomplishment. Without focus and an understanding of what you desire to achieve, you could end up taking two steps forward, then three steps to the right, then two steps back and then threes steps to the left. Lo and behold, you are in the same place! Planning allows you to continue to make progress to some goal by understanding what you need to do EACH DAY to continue to move forward. If not, any new thing that crosses your path might distract you and hinder you from continuing to achieving your overall goal.
In relation to how planning will help you stay focused on the direction you need to travel, planning will often help you make difficult decisions in life. When you are faced with a tough decision that you are struggling to make, often the question of which decision gets you closer to your ultimate goal can be the determining factor. Those who don't have a plan for their life will often be at the whim of every new fad, person, or situation that presents itself for enjoyment and pleasure. There's nothing wrong with partaking in these things as long as they don't detract from what you are trying to accomplish with your plan, but if you don't know what that plan is, you have no way to make that decision. You have to continually assess each decision that you make from day to day in light of what you ultimately have planned for your life and your family. This will often help you stay out of situations that, more often than not, would hurt rather than help your ultimate goal.
I love this reason because it can be related to almost any best practice in life. Just like most people don't read very much, exercise regularly, or eat very healthy, this is probably the biggest reason to do this. While there is enough in this world for everyone to have a fair share, you often are in competition for everything you can achieve against someone else. It's the nature of the world in which we live, and to have more than what others have you must be willing to do MORE than what others are willing to do. The Pareto Principle speaks of how, economically, 20 percent of the world's population owns 80 percent of the world's wealth. I would venture to guess there is a strong correlation between that 20 percent of the world and the percentage of people who plan out their lives and have a strategic vision for their future. By planning out your life, you have a much better chance of being part of this privileged minority.
Planning. It's something that many people don't like to do because it often takes a little bit of brain power to work out, so people would rather just "see what happens" in life. However, it is those individuals who strategically understand what they desire 25-50 years from now and have worked out a plan to achieve it who will do laps around those who don't. Henry Ford said that "Thinking is the hardest work there is which is probably the reason why so few engage in it." Take the time to think and plan out your life to put yourself in the "favor of the gods" and live a life of ultimate achievement. Therefore, next Tuesday when someone ask you what you're doing for the weekend, don't just say "I don't know" as most people do, but rather, "Let me THINK about that and get back to you." Your future self with thank you.
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